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  • Writer's pictureCarole Stizza

Top 3 Tips for Preparing for a Great Performance Review

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

Part 2 of a 3 part series on working from home (WFH) and performance reviews. Now that you know your organization is really still doing performance reviews, even through the virtual settings of teams, you realize you need to prepare. And if your first thought is, “Where do I start?” I got you!

The top three tips for preparing for your first WFH performance review after working in a new virtual setting are:

1) Create a list or print out the emails sent when you were reporting your progress, to represent a collection of accomplishments. This list should include all projects, reports, and can include any challenges that were overcome and what was resolved and learned. These are all wins! It can also include who you successfully worked with to showcase that you know where you’re connected with the organization, how you’ve worked with others positively, and can speak to what you’ve experienced during this new virtual opportunity. We all get nervous when we are being reviewed for any reason, having this list handy allows one to breathe, review the list for reference, and not rely on memory.

2) Create and bring a list of areas of growth that you are interested in too. To create this, you can interview others who do work that interests you and ask them to share what areas of learning helped them succeed. You can also interview those who are in higher positions that interest you and ask similar questions. Being prepared for “what’s next” or “what’s possible” when asked “what else would you like to be doing in this organization?” It means you’ve put some thought into staying with the organization, growing in your position and career, and look forward to contributing.

3) Come prepared with the mindset of curiosity and a good framework to ask great questions. To do this, understand that performance reviews, while focused on past performance, also hold the opportunity to discuss future performance opportunities. (Warning: Do NOT come in prepared to be defensive, play the victim, blame others, or not be accountable for your own results – this helps no one.)

Curiosity is a mindset that you can tap into to receive information more objectively – meaning, instead of thinking inward, it prompts one to think outward and ask questions. For example: A reviewer may offer that you have received the rating of a 4 out of 5. Instead of thinking – I’ll never make a 5! – I don’t understand what they want from me! You would be able to ask with more curiosity: “Given this topic, what one thing could I do to move from a 4 to a 5 rating? And how would those efforts be recognized?”

Sounds easy but you will need to pay attention to the next part of this series to get the framework that helps.

If your review is coming up faster than that or you just don’t want to wait… Send me a quick email ( with your questions and I’m happy to respond. Just put “part 2 questions” in the subject line and I’ll know exactly what you’re referencing.


If you have an upcoming performance review and just would like to chat with Carole grab a phone call. I’m happy to share any tips that will help and can cheer you on. For more fun tips, tools, and insights, please know you can always join our newsletter and visit our YouTube channel.

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