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  • Writer's pictureCarole Stizza

Find The Job You Love Or Love The Job You’ve Got?

Updated: May 31, 2021

For those on the job hunt, finding the job you love is THE top priority.

Sadly, when job prospects become slim, finding the job you love takes a backseat to simply finding a job – or reconsidering how to love the job you’ve got.

This is when career coaches and recruiters alike urge individuals who are on the hunt for a new job to not lose hope, keep their energy up in the job hunt and really know what they’re after.

Keep the ‘why it matters’ in focus, make a list of what they need to be their best at work, and have questions to ask in the interviews to make sure the support is there. If the conversation turns into how to love the job you’ve already got, then we consider the same information from a different perspective.

WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW DOES MATTER. If you’ve never given any thought to what type of environment you need to be your best or what type of information you require in order to process information or anything about your own strengths, now is the time to get to learn more about you.

As a certified Strength Strategy Specialist, I use assessments to help people find what makes them fantastic. It also helps you to understand how you’re different than others as well. You need to truly understand what makes you unique in positive ways and be able to cater your job hunt to the roles where you will have the greatest success.

I recently had a Director share with me that during the sessions we had, she discovered that she was in the right role, after years of doubting herself. And she knew why! This is a powerful pivot of perspective.

For example: An individual who is adaptable, creative, and can handle chaos would find greater satisfaction in a quickly changing environment versus working within a cubical within very strict and unchanging environments. Then let’s say that they find a division within the organization they currently work at that may be a better fit. In this case, making a lateral move is wiser than finding an entirely new position somewhere else.

YOU CAN’T FOCUS ON MONEY ALONE… Don’t fool yourself. I’ve worked with people who are only motivated by income and they have experienced job loss and layoffs more than most.

This is mainly because they have not taken the time to match their talents to the job, losing out on experiencing the success of a growing career where income will grow with success, not just title.

TO GET THE JOB: THE RESUME MUST TALK! If you want to stay on the new job path, Recruiters and Career Coaches make sure job candidates take into consideration the work that is required to have a strong resume.

These days a strong resume integrates key words from the advertised job descriptions. There must be white space for the eye to focus on the right information, metrics and results connected to the jobs you list. Recruiters and Hiring Managers really want to know what happened as a result of you working there.

Gone are the days that someone actually wants to read a job description of your title. And, of course, those key words are now required to get past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that use them for filtering out inaccurate resumes.

HINT: If you are sending the same resume out and not hearing anything back, it may because no one ever gets to see them as they may be getting filtered out due to a lack of the right key words. Whether you are actively on the job hunt and want to find the job you love -or want to know why you love the job you have, I highly recommend that you take an assessment with someone that can help interpret the results into tangible and absorbable information you can use.

Learn More About The Opportunities Available To You Today!

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