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  • Writer's pictureCarole Stizza

Staying Motivated When the Weather Beckons Outside

When it’s HOT!

What happens in your office when the outside temperatures rise? If you live in the U.S., it

usually coincides with the summertime season. but if you live in Australia, it means it’s the

winter season - Santa in Hawaiian swim trunks anyone?

My point in asking this is to take a moment and reflect on what motivates your team to come to

work when the outside weather invites them to go to the pool, take a beach vacation, or move

slower to not break a sweat.

What keeps people motivated to come to work when outside forces pull them away?

The motivation trick - learning.

People want to learn something new.

Learning builds positive energy. In fact, learning is 50% of what the brain seeks, 24/7. The other

50% seeks to know ‘Where do I fit/What am I doing right?’

Believing in your people to learn helps them feel they are worth the time and money - and they

fit with the organization.

So how do you build in time to learn so that people are excited to keep showing up at work

when the summer months offer so much fun outside of work?

This is a Yes/And decision. This is not an Either/Or decision.

Yes/And means you let people take those summer trips while school is out AND you build in

time to learn right as school kicks in.

Why Q3 & Q4?

Some of the largest conferences occur each year at the end of the 3rd quarter (August -

October). Organizations send people to learn, network, and capture new business for the next

year. This avoids conflicting with personal travel plans from the summer months and offsets

the expense of childcare that happens outside of the school year. There are many other

business reasons to use the end of Q3 and part of Q4 for learning too as it sets up the new year

with more energy.

What to learn

I realize that many organizations must choose where they send people and often it is to bring in

new business. Sadly, inner office development - such as leadership development - falls low on

the priority list when it comes to time and money. What if you could do both? Out of the 5

pillars of what makes an outstanding leader, do you know which one would make the

difference for each of your emerging or established leaders today? Thankfully, you don’t have

to guess. I have a few ways to do that. And they focus on leadership.


I’m offering a way for your leaders to get a jump start on their growth that will propel you in

2024. It is called The Leadership Challenge Group Cohort and it is a 12 session program over 15

weeks this fall where all participants will gain access to the top 5 characteristics needed to

become leaders who can make extraordinary things happen. It is designed to be held quarterly

so that you can also stagger in your leaders each quarter AND what they choose to learn can be

linked to their own professional development plans for long-term accountability.

But wait - There’s more!

To kick start your own learning about your leadership I’m also introducing a NEW Leadership

Strength Scorecard. This complimentary assessment is designed to help all who take it evaluate

where they are in their leadership. It is an assessment that can continue to be retaken as

leadership traits grow.

Here’s to preparing for a great Q4!

Don’t wait to evaluate what you need to have a robust and successful 2024. If your curious,

don’t hesitate to chat with me. I’m happy to share how an outside program can help your inside leadership training goals.

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