It’s NBA finals month and the difference between how announcers and fellow pros review a leader are different. Announcers denounce or announce someone’s efforts as if the player plays just for their own glory. Pros look at what the player is accomplishing overall and recognize success in different ways. Having prior pros help announcers is key as it helps others pay attention to the game in better ways.
For example - First game of the Celtics and Warriors playoffs and one key scoring player was off his game in scoring points. Announcers were calling this out and setting the stage with worry for the next game.
The pro, a guest announcer, turned the tables on them and let them see the same player from his point of view. He pointed out that true leaders recognize when one aspect of their game is off and immediately switch to positively affect the team’s outcomes in other ways. The same player the announcers were denouncing, this past pro was pointing out how many amazing assists this player created, how many other players he lifted to score, and how he rallied his team to be creative and play to win with everyone scoring.
This player was under pressure to lead, so he led, in whatever way worked for the whole team. This may have been the first time I enjoyed announcers becoming sheepish for ‘crying wolf’.
I’m not dedicated to one sport or another - but I do love watching high-level players at their best. And I LOVE when I get to recognize and appreciate leadership.
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